Life & Health Group Coaching Flyer

Thank you for your interest in joining our 8-week program to wellness!

This program will help you:

  • Optimize your overall health
  • Define and achieve goals
  • Focus on future not past
  • Explore what is holding you back
  • Get structure, guidance and encouragement
  • Become your best self

About the Facilitators:

Steve Seay
Life & Leadership Coach

Steve has over 15 years of experience in the healthcare arena where he worked as a Marriage and Family Therapist. Currently works as a Life and Leadership Coach serving physicians, manager business leaders through the discovery of their highest potential in the areas of body, mind and spirit. Steve brings his combined experience to Beautiful Minds by helping develop and co-facilitate this 8-week program to wellness.
Alix Zeline
Integrative Wellness & Life Coach

Alix is a certified Life & Wellness Coach whose desire is to help translate information into transformation. For the past 7 years, she's worked with others to reframe their mindsets, think positively, and achieve their goals professionally, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Karla Velasco
Life Coach

Karla is a certified Life Coach who enjoys connecting with people. Through connections in her life she was able to move from surviving to thriving. In the process, she realized that long lasting change does not happen alone. With this paradigm shift, she would like to come alongside individuals to help them live the life they are designed to live.
Mariola Porras
Life & Health Coach

After 15 years of a global marketing career and burnout, Mariola learned how crucial healthy living is for optimal wellbeing. She brings her personal life experience and training to Beautiful Minds where she partners with medical experts in helping others reach their potential through healthy lifestyle principles. Mariola will co-facilitate this group and share tools to help optimize mental health through the acronym: CHOOSELIFE©.
Jonan Mattzela
Health Coach

Jonan “Jam” Mattzela is a certified health coach from Dr. Sear’s wellness Institute. She has a passion for helping people achieve their health goals. She has also personally experienced the results of a good lifestyle on one’s health. Jonan taught for 8 years as a high school math and science teacher; now, she has decided to use her skills and experience to teach and support people with their journey towards their best health.