Tamar has found from personal experience that asking for help can be a huge effort as well as a huge risk, but she has also found that once she has connected with the “right help” her life has been better for it. If you are reading this profile it may be you are thinking about seeking help. Congratulations on being brave, and please know you are not alone. Irrespective of status, ethnicity, race, gender, or religion, we all need a little help at some point in this journey called life.
Are you feeling burned out, overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, alone, and struggling with low self-esteem? If you are a Christian who is ambivalent about counseling because of underlying beliefs about spirituality and mental health, welcome! You have come to the right place. As a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a certificate in Clinical Mediation, Tamar is passionate about helping individuals, couples, and families uncover the root of the problem and to assist in finding solutions and fulfillment.
Tamar’s goal is to equip her clients with the needed tools and techniques to achieve their goals so they can eventually graduate from therapy. She encourages you to take that first step.
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